
We assume that the user has installed Python in their system. adelie can be installed with pip or from source. If the user uses pip and MacOS (arm64) on the more recent OS and Python version, they will install from a pre-built wheel. All other users will build from source and therefore require more setup explained in Prerequisites.

To install adelie with pip:

pip install adelie

For users who successfully built adelie from a pre-built wheel using pip, they may skip Prerequisites.

For the bleeding edge version, follow the instructions in Developer Installation.


If the user builds from source either through pip or directly, OpenMP must be installed on their system. For gcc users, there is nothing to do since OpenMP is shipped with the compiler. For MacOS users using clang (default), we recommend installing it through the Developer Installation. The user may also install it through brew:

brew install libomp

If installed via brew, the user must also run:

export OPENMP_PREFIX=<path-to-brew-libomp>

so that our installation script will use this OpenMP instead.

Developer Installation#

  1. Install conda. We recommend installing Mambaforge, which is a conda installation with mamba installed by default and set to use conda-forge as the default set of package repositories.

  2. Clone the git repo:

    git clone
  3. Set up adelie conda environment. The list of packages that will be installed in the environment is in environment.yml and pyproject.toml.

    mamba update -y conda mamba
    mamba env create
    conda activate adelie
    poetry config virtualenvs.create false --local
    poetry install --no-root
  4. Install adelie in editable mode:

    pip install -e .

Verify Installation#

Now, we load adelie to check that the installation was successful.

import adelie as ad