- class adelie.adelie_core.state.StatePinball64#
Core state class for pinball least squares.
(*args, **kwargs)Overloaded function.
(self)Solves the state-specific problem.
Active set buffer.
Active set size.
Benchmark time for fitting on the active set.
Benchmark time for fitting on the screen set.
Benchmark time for computing the gradient.
Benchmark time for sorting the violations.
Coefficient vector.
List of the active sets at each outer loop.
List of the coefficient vectors at each outer loop.
List of the number of iterations at each outer loop.
List of the losses at each outer loop.
Internal buffer that is implementation-defined.
Boolean buffer to indicate the active variables.
Boolean buffer to indicate the screen variables.
Number of coordinate descent iterations.
Loss \(\frac{1}{2} \|S^{-\frac{1}{2}} v - S^{\frac{1}{2}} A^\top \beta\|_2^2\).
Residual \(v - S A^\top \beta\).
\(A S\).
Diagonal of \(A S A^\top\).
Screen set buffer.
Screen set size.
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)#
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: adelie.adelie_core.state.StatePinball64, A: adelie.adelie_core.matrix.MatrixConstraintBase64, y_var: float, S: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.f_contiguous], penalty_neg: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, n]], penalty_pos: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, n]], kappa: int, max_iters: int, tol: float, screen_set_size: int, screen_set: numpy.ndarray[numpy.int64[1, n], flags.writeable], is_screen: numpy.ndarray[bool[1, n], flags.writeable], screen_ASAT_diag: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, n], flags.writeable], screen_AS: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[m, n], flags.writeable, flags.c_contiguous], active_set_size: int, active_set: numpy.ndarray[numpy.int64[1, n], flags.writeable], is_active: numpy.ndarray[bool[1, n], flags.writeable], beta: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, n], flags.writeable], resid: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, n], flags.writeable], grad: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64[1, n], flags.writeable], loss: float) -> None
__init__(self: adelie.adelie_core.state.StatePinball64, arg0: adelie.adelie_core.state.StatePinball64) -> None
- solve(self: adelie.adelie_core.state.StatePinball64) dict #
Solves the state-specific problem.
- active_set#
Active set buffer.
- active_set_size#
Active set size.
- benchmark_fit_active#
Benchmark time for fitting on the active set.
- benchmark_fit_screen#
Benchmark time for fitting on the screen set.
- benchmark_gradient#
Benchmark time for computing the gradient.
- benchmark_viols_sort#
Benchmark time for sorting the violations.
- beta#
Coefficient vector.
- dbg_active_set#
List of the active sets at each outer loop.
- dbg_beta#
List of the coefficient vectors at each outer loop.
- dbg_iter#
List of the number of iterations at each outer loop.
- dbg_loss#
List of the losses at each outer loop.
- grad#
Internal buffer that is implementation-defined.
- is_active#
Boolean buffer to indicate the active variables.
- is_screen#
Boolean buffer to indicate the screen variables.
- iters#
Number of coordinate descent iterations.
- loss#
Loss \(\frac{1}{2} \|S^{-\frac{1}{2}} v - S^{\frac{1}{2}} A^\top \beta\|_2^2\).
- resid#
Residual \(v - S A^\top \beta\).
- screen_AS#
\(A S\).
- screen_ASAT_diag#
Diagonal of \(A S A^\top\).
- screen_set#
Screen set buffer.
- screen_set_size#
Screen set size.