
adelie.state.bvls(X: MatrixNaiveBase32 | MatrixNaiveBase64, y_var: float, X_vars: ndarray, lower: ndarray, upper: ndarray, weights: ndarray, kappa: int, max_iters: int, tol: float, screen_set_size: int, screen_set: ndarray, is_screen: ndarray, active_set_size: int, active_set: ndarray, is_active: ndarray, beta: ndarray, resid: ndarray, grad: ndarray, loss: float)[source]#

Creates a BVLS state object.

X(n, p) Union[MatrixNaiveBase32, MatrixNaiveBase64]

Feature matrix. It is typically one of the matrices defined in adelie.matrix submodule.


Variance of \(y\) equivalent to \(y^\top W y\).

X_vars(p,) ndarray

Variance of each column of X equivalent to \(\mathrm{diag}(X^\top W X)\).

lower(p,) ndarray

Lower bound for each variable.

upper(p,) ndarray

Upper bound for each variable.

weights(n,) ndarray

Observation weights.


Violation batching size.


Maximum number of coordinate descents.


Coordinate descent convergence tolerance.


Number of screen groups. screen_set[i] is only well-defined for i in the range [0, screen_set_size).

screen_set(p,) ndarray

Screen set buffer. screen_set[i] is the i th screen variable that is in the range [0, p).

is_screen(p,) ndarray

Boolean vector indicating whether the j th feature is screen.


Number of active groups. active_set[i] is only well-defined for i in the range [0, active_set_size).

active_set(p,) ndarray

Active set buffer. active_set[i] is the i th active variable that is in the range [0, p).

is_active(p,) ndarray

Boolean vector indicating whether the j th feature is active.

beta(p,) ndarray

Coefficient vector.

resid(n,) ndarray

Residual \(y-X\beta\).

grad(p,) ndarray

Internal buffer that is implementation-defined.


The current loss \(\frac{1}{2} \|y - X\beta\|_W^2\).


Wrapper state object.