
adelie.diagnostic.plot_set_sizes(groups: ndarray, screen_sizes: ndarray, active_sizes: ndarray, lmdas: ndarray, screen_rule: str, *, ratio: bool = False, exclude: list = [], axes=None)[source]#

Plots the set sizes.

groups(G,) ndarray

List of starting indices to each group where G is the number of groups. groups[i] is the starting index of the i th group.

screen_sizes(L,) ndarray

Screen set sizes.

active_sizes(L,) ndarray

Active set sizes.

lmdas(L,) ndarray

Regularization parameters \(\lambda\).

ratiobool, optional

True if plot should normalize the set sizes by the total number of groups. Default is False.

excludelist, optional

The sets to exclude from plotting. It must be a subset of the following:

  • "active": active set.

  • "screen": screen set.

Default is [].


Matplotlib axes object.

fig, ax

If axes is None, both are returned.


If axes is not None, then only ax is returned.